Swish for Your Smile: 4 Benefits of Fluoridated Mouthwash

September 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — quietdoc @ 10:37 am
A woman pouring fluoridated mouthwash into a large cap

You may think brushing and flossing are enough for oral hygiene. After all, can’t a well-bristled toothbrush and some floss keep your smile pretty clean? Still, the fact is that a good oral rinse can do a lot to help your grin. Adding this habit to your daily routine would let you enjoy many oral health perks. As for the specifics, just take a look at these four big benefits of fluoridated mouthwash.

It Strengthens Your Smile’s Enamel

A fluoridated mouthwash wouldn’t just clean your mouth. Over time, rinsing with it would strengthen your smile’s tooth enamel.

Don’t forget that plaque – a sticky film of bacteria – erodes enamel, weakening the layer and making your teeth sensitive. Fluoridated mouthwash helps to “remineralize” or strengthen your remaining tooth enamel. In particular, it regrows the calcium and phosphorus essential to that part of your smile; those minerals regenerate weak enamel and keep your teeth healthy.

It Helps Prevent Tooth Decay

A mouthwash with fluoride should reduce your risk of cavities. After all, rinsing with it is known to prevent tooth decay.

The fact is that teeth exposed to bacteria can often develop cavities. Luckily, fluoridated mouthwash has anti-bacterial properties; it keeps microbes from sticking to each tooth. That’s because the liquid’s fluoride works into your smile’s enamel coating and bolsters it. In some cases, a mouthwash’s fluoride can even reverse the damage from bacteria when a cavity is in its early stages.

It Protects Exposed Tooth Roots

Are your gums starting to recede? Well, the right mouthwash can help; fluoridated brands will protect exposed tooth roots.

You see, a tooth’s root surface is exposed when gums recede from your teeth. That exposure can put it at greater risk of cavities, infections, and more. However, frequent use of fluoridated mouthwash protects the root surface of your teeth. The result is that your gum recession is less likely to cause a bunch of oral problems.

It Defends Hard-to-Reach Areas

If some areas of your smile struggle more than others, mouthwash with fluoride is a good solution. It does excellent work at defending your grin’s hard-to-reach areas.

Remember, a liquid like mouthwash can reach and protect all of your mouth. Swishing with it will send fluoride to every important part – teeth, gums, tongue, etc. As a result, fluoridated mouthwash will protect areas that aren’t easy for toothbrushes and floss to access. You’ll then have fewer food particles, bacteria, and similar dental troubles.

If you’d like, you can always learn more about the benefits of fluoridated mouthwash. Just talk to your dental provider at your next checkup!

About the Practice

We at Quiet Corner Dental are based in Putnam, CT. Led by our three terrific and experienced dentists, our practice combines effective dental care with a personal touch. That means we customize our preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services to suit your smile’s unique needs. Whether you get a dental checkup or dental crowns, expect our team to help your grin thrive! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (860)-928-3723.

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