Porcelain Veneers – Putnam, CT
Give Imperfect Teeth a Complete Makeover

Do chips and cracks decorate your teeth? These blemishes can have impact your self-confidence, and not in a positive way. To get a glamorous smile, try asking talented dentists Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn about our veneer treatment! Just call us today to schedule your consultation for a beautiful, new look with porcelain veneers from our Putnam, CT cosmetic dentist.
Why Choose Quiet Corner Dental for Porcelain Veneers?
- Caring Dentists with Decades of Experience
- Digital Impressions Without the Mess
- Low-Interest Dental Financing Available
What Are Porcelain Veneers?

A veneer is a thin, tooth-shaped shell of ceramic that is created to effectively conceal a damaged tooth. Drs. Carolyn and Walter McGinn will examine your mouth and take copious notes detailing the size, shape, and overall coloring of your teeth so that the licensed ceramist who will craft your veneers will be able to create one that blends well into your existing smile. Once we receive the veneer, we’ll call you back for your next appointment so that we can have it placed.
By using a dental composite resin, we’ll be able to affix the veneer to your lackluster tooth. This is a permanent bond, so you’ll be able to bite and chew like normal without fearing that your veneers will be affected. Plus, veneers won’t stain or darken like the enamel of a natural tooth does, so you won’t have to replace it year after year! However, they will also not respond to teeth whitening like enamel does, so if you want to achieve a white, brilliant smile, you’ll need to undergo our teeth whitening procedure before scheduling a veneer appointment. We want to get the shade of your veneers just right!